
In my Blog you will find regular updates on my work, projects I am doing and other interesting stuff related to photography.

Main part of the Blog is the project 365. I will choose daily one of the photos I took to be presented here in this Blog, not always on the day it was taken but you can expect regular updates.

I like to encourage you very much to leave your comments - I love to hear from you!

project 365 365/365

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Today I accomplished the project 365 - this is my last photo in this series. First I thought to post something spectaculair as last photo, but as said, that was a thought, looking at my photos there were suddenly no doubts to choose for simplicity.

Thank you all for following me, looking at my photos, for your comments and your acknowledgment. I enjoyed the project very much!


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I participated in a Miksang Inspiration Day in Zandvoort aan Zee. The assignment was simplicity. Simplicity is about form and space, one thing at a time ... I did this assignment now already several times in the beginning it was quite challenging but I see that also here practise helps improvement